Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 basic tips on how to increase your adsense earnings

For me the number 5 has become a very significant number if not lucky, i have read so many articles on how to maximize my AdSense revenue, but the best i would say i read on pro blogger. when i learnt blogging in 2000, i was told i was easy to make money online, what i wasn't told was that, you'll need the right information to suceed ,so i decided to put this post together from the knowledge, i had grown from babyboomming on the Internet. google AdSense is still one of the best,easy and genuine ways to make money online. below i will give you 5 concise tips on how i increased my AdSense revenue drastically.

1. high, genuine traffic to your site

traffic as you know is the life force of every website which envisions growth,be it profit on non-profit website.
social media is a powerful and significant source of traffic for blogger. However, it’s easy to get frustrated with social media traffic because it can be so inconsistent. One day you may get thousands of visitors, but it can dry up quickly. For this reason a lot of blogger dismiss social media as a reliable source of traffic and they don’t dedicate much time or effort to learning how to maximize it.there are some things you have to know in order to maximize your traffic from social media websites, Of course it will always have peaks and valleys, but you can minimize those times where it is almost non-existent. here are some tips

a. post frequently

b. you must be an active user of social media websites

c. submit you post to a variety of social media sites

d. submit older post during slow times

e. develop a large and loyal following

2. high google AdSense paying keywords

well not all google ads pay the same some do more than the others so i went online and did a little research on high paying google keywords.i found a lot of them i decided to try some out and it did work.it would also interest you to know that AdSense is cost per thousand impressions(cpm) so self click will only get you banned, here is one of the so many keywords sites www.high-pay-keyword.blogspot.com you can try out search engines for more

3. positioning of your google ads

many online advertisers have argued that ads should be placed on the left hand side of your web page and others have argued against it, I'm not here to say who's wrong or right because all ants have a different feel of the elephants skin. but if i must tell you a lead header is must preferable because that's what your visitors lay their eyes on first. imagine a visitor looking for an affiliate
program to join and an affiliate banner is a the bottom of your web page. if your visitor finds out your article does not have what he wants, he won't even bother to scroll down to the bottom of your page.

4. Rich, powerful and targeted web content

after a high traffic a Rich powerful and targeted web content if i may say is what will sell your google ads. your web content must be good enough to convince your visitors to click your ads. you do not need to to be an English guru to be able to write good articles. all you need to do is grasp the basic concept of modern English the more you write the better you are at it. and try not to bore your visitors with a lengthy post, i have researched and found out that a post of 250-400 words is just ideal, if you can't express all your points and tips in one post i;ll suggest you break it into subsequent posts

5. colour of your google ads

will blending the colour of your google ads with your web page make your ads noticeable? some of you would say yes and opposition no. or will your your ads be more pronounced when they are in different colours from that of your web template? i can't say if the former or latter is best. because of the reason i stated earlier but, I do know that it is very hard for a lead header picture banner to go bye without being noticed so i would advise that you place a picture banner at the topmost portion of your web page.

With all these tips properly utilized and combined i have no doubt that your AdSense revenue will increase